London rate matrix

collection & delivery

Discover our latest London Rate Matrix

Discover the latest on our London Rate Matrix


Vehicle Size Cost Per Move
£220 + VAT
£295 + VAT
£310 + VAT
£340 + VAT
£370 + VAT
£385 + VAT
£420 + VAT

*Note* All moves are subject to KB Event Terms and Conditions of Trade


  • Collection and delivery must be within the M25.
  • Collection and delivery must be one continuous movement. (For example, if you want to load PM on day 1 and deliver AM on day 2, this will not be covered by the costs above. We will of course be happy to provide a quote for such moves on request.)
  • You will need to allow some flexibility in the timings of your collection as the fleet may be fully occupied at a specific time. If this is the case, the first available vehicle will be routed to you. If you want to book a time-specific move we are more than happy to ensure that a dedicated vehicle is allocated to you; we will supply a quote for this as and when requested to do so.
  • Rates are costed allowing for a maximum of 1 hour loading and 1 hour unloading time. Any excess will be charged at a rate of £25 + VAT for the first additional hour or part thereof, and £50 + VAT per hour per subsequent hour or part thereof.


Sylvia Roberts –

Tel +44 (0) 208-879-3090
